Join the Virtual Recovery Community: AA Meetings Online via Zoom

Join the Virtual Recovery Community: AA Meetings Online via Zoom

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced everyone to adapt to new ways of life. For those struggling with addiction, this has meant finding new ways to seek support. Fortunately, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings have gone virtual through Zoom, making it easier than ever to connect with a recovery community.

Why Join a Virtual AA Meeting?

Virtual AA meetings provide a number of benefits for those in recovery. Firstly, they remove the barrier of physical distance. No matter where you are, you can attend an AA meeting via Zoom. Additionally, virtual meetings provide a sense of anonymity that can be particularly important for those who are not yet ready to share their struggle with addiction in person.

Joining a virtual AA meeting can also help you build a support system at a time when many traditional support systems are limited. Isolation and loneliness are two common challenges for those in recovery, and virtual meetings can provide a sense of community from the comfort and safety of your own home.

How to Join a Virtual AA Meeting

Joining a virtual AA meeting is easier than you might think. Many local AA groups have shifted online and offer Zoom meetings at a variety of times throughout the week. Simply search online for AA meetings in your area and look for information on virtual meetings. You can also check the official AA website for a list of virtual meetings across the country.

Once you have found a meeting you’d like to attend, simply click on the Zoom link provided at the designated time. You’ll be prompted to download the Zoom app if you haven’t already. Make sure to mute your microphone when you join the meeting, and be respectful of other members by not recording or screen-shotting the meeting.

Final Thoughts

While the pandemic has presented a number of challenges for those in recovery, virtual AA meetings have allowed for a sense of connection and support during this difficult time. Joining a virtual AA meeting is easy and can help you build a sense of community and accountability in your recovery journey. Take the first step and explore the virtual recovery community today.

Tuesday, April 30 Open Share Meeting

Open to all - 6 PM ET

Meeting will start at 6 PM ET.