Join an Open AA Meeting Online and Find a Supportive Community

Are you struggling with addiction but hesitant to attend in-person meetings due to COVID-19? Consider joining an online AA meeting.

With the pandemic, virtual meetings have become more popular, and AA is no exception. Online meetings provide the same support system and sense of community as in-person meetings, but from the safety of your home.

In an online AA meeting, you’ll find a supportive community of individuals fighting similar battles, sharing their stories and offering encouragement. It’s an open and nonjudgmental space where you can share as much or as little as you want.

Attending AA meetings regularly can help you stay on track and manage your addiction. By connecting with others who understand what you’re going through, you can gain valuable insights and coping strategies.

But attending online meetings isn’t just about getting help, it’s also about giving back. As you progress in your recovery journey, you can become a valuable resource for other members.

Finding an online AA meeting is simple. Check out the AA website for a list of virtual meetings near you or search for meetings on Google. There are also various chat groups available for those who prefer online communication.

In conclusion, joining an online AA meeting is an excellent way to find a supportive community of individuals who understand what you’re going through. It’s an open and nonjudgmental space where you can share your story, gain support, and give back. So, don’t let COVID-19 keep you from getting the help you need – find an online AA meeting today.

Tuesday, April 30 Open Share Meeting

Open to all - 6 PM ET

Meeting will start at 6 PM ET.