Friday 11:00 am EST – The Way Out – AA Meeting

Meeting Link

We are an Open meeting that studies A.A. approved literature chosen by a group conscience. Everyone is welcome! We are currently reading A.A. Comes of Age. The format is a group reading of a few paragraphs, pause for sharing, and read again. The last 10-15 minutes is open for sharing experience, strength and hope. We are a mixture of new-comers and old-timers and everything in between, with a common love for our literature and the solution of the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. We also meet on Monday’s at the same time and place, where we study the Big Book or the 12&12. No passcode required. Waiting room enabled.

Tuesday, April 30 Open Share Meeting

Open to all - 6 PM ET

Meeting will start at 6 PM ET.