Finding the Right A.A. Sobriety Group for You

Finding the Right A.A. Sobriety Group for You

When it comes to finding the right Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) group for your sobriety journey, it’s important to remember that no two groups are alike. Each group has its own unique culture, traditions, and members. It is important to find a group that is supportive and understanding of your individual needs.

Start Your Search
The first step in finding the right A.A. group is to start your search. Ask your doctor, therapist, or other mental health professionals for recommendations on local A.A. groups. You can also reach out to family and friends who are in A.A. and ask them for advice. You can also use online resources to search for A.A. groups in your area.

Visit Different Groups
Once you have a list of potential groups, it’s time to start visiting them. Attend several meetings and get a feel for the group’s dynamics, atmosphere, and culture. Pay attention to how members interact with each other and how they handle newcomers. Also, take time to talk to the members and ask questions about the group’s history, traditions, and expectations.

Evaluate Your Options
After visiting several groups, it is time to evaluate your options. Consider the group’s atmosphere, the members’ attitudes, and the level of support you feel from the group. Ask yourself if you feel comfortable and accepted by the group and if you believe that you can benefit from the group’s teachings and support.

Make Your Decision
Once you have evaluated your options, it’s time to make a decision. Choose the group that you feel is the best fit for you and commit to attending regularly. Participate in the group’s activities, listen to the members’ stories, and be open to feedback and advice.

Finding the right A.A. group can be a challenging process, but it is essential for your sobriety journey. With patience, dedication, and an open mind, you can find the right group for you and begin your journey to sobriety.

Tuesday, April 30 Open Share Meeting

Open to all - 6 PM ET

Meeting will start at 6 PM ET.